The Raymond Terrace Return To School Centre provides an intervention for students who are on long suspension and have been identified by their school as likely to benefit from a structured program to assist their successful return to schooling as soon as possible. The Centre aims to assist schools to increase their capacity to manage students with disruptive behaviours.
The Raymond Terrace Return To School Centre is located on the grounds of Irrawang High School - Mount Hall Road, Raymond Terrace.
Click on the link for Directions.
- The Return To School Centre is staffed by a Head Teacher (Mr Chad Brown) and a School Learning Support Officer.
- The program focuses on middle school students from Year 5 to Year 9.
- The maximum number of students in the Return To School Centre program at any one time is six.
- Students attend from 8.45am to 12.00pm each school day.
- Students complete the School Study Program (provided by the homeschool) and the Centre's Reflection and Social Skills Sessions.
- Attendance and progress reports are provided weekly to the homeschool.
- The student is supported by a mentor teacher from the homeschool throughout the program and during their return to the homeschool.
- The Head Teacher is available to work with the mentor teacher to support the student's return to school.