Raymond Terrace Return To School Centre

Hunter / Central Coast Region

Telephone02 4987 4687



Positive Behaviour for Learning - PBL

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a school-wide behaviour initiative. It engages a whole school systems approach to address problem behaviour and reduce its effects on student outcomes and on the school community overall.

PBL provides a transformational change by underpinning a common language used by staff to promote positive behaviour from students, which has shown improvement in self-confidence and their motivation to learn.

PBL has been adapted from the Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program developed in the USA

PBL operates as a systemic umbrella for a broad range of programs in schools, including values education, anti-bullying, learning support teams, and Priority Schools and Priority Action Schools programs. The elements of this model have
been applied across all school years (K–12), and all curriculum areas.

PBL has provided the RTSC with a systemic framework which has enabled us to track
the management of student behaviour and has enabled us to introduce coherent whole school rules in conjunction with Irrawang High School and practices that enhance teaching and learning and support positive behaviour choices.