A student must be referred to the Return To School Centre by their home school. To refer a student to our centre, follow the steps below:
Ring the Return To School Centre to determine if a vacancy exists.
The school discusses the suitability of the student with the Head Teacher of the Return To School Centre and nominates a staff member to be the student's mentor.
Email/Fax the following to the Return To School Centre:
- Completed Referral Form (PDF 688KB)
- Appendix 5 (PDF 19KB) of the Suspension and Expulsion Procedures
- The Suspension Letter to the family
- The School Counsellor's Suspension Report (PDF 12KB)
- A current Risk Assessment/Management Plan
A date is then set for the mentor to accompany the student and the parent/carer to the Return To School Centre for a meeting to set up the program.